Saturday, August 22, 2015

Little things

We haven't talked today. But it's cool. I haven't worried. I just missed you a little here and there.

In the smile to myself kind of way.

The way you fix your hair with your fingers all pressed together, like you're patting it back into place.

The way you only drink lemonade in varsity.

There was this time, you rattled a cup of ice in my ear for like twenty minutes. You liked annoying me and you wanted to see how big of a reaction you could get out of me. I finally had enough of it and just smacked the cup clean out of your hand.

But you had refilled it.

Lemonade everywhere.

And the funniest part was that you all acted like it was all my fault because you didnt think I was capable of it...haha.

I have my Yolo moments.

One time you said were starting to talk about bit coin, and I just jumped right in and started talking about it too. You looked at me with such shock, you couldn't believe I knew about Bit Coin. I was very proud. You were too.

There's a lot you don't know about me.

I think it's going to be those little things that get me when I get back.

The way you absent-mindedly play with your tie.

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