Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Shots Fired

I've talked a lot about you lately.

I've talked a lot to you lately.

We're so different. Each and together.

I'm talking to someone else from school lately. It's nbd.

I feel like there's flickers of the you I know in our conversations. I don't know if you've actually changed and there's just moments where I see the old you, or if you are suppressing yourself to me.

I've changed. I've changed how I talk to you. I give you as much attention as you give me. If you want me you have to do something about it.

I'm no side chick.

Even beyond me, you need to grow up for yourself. Doesn't matter who you change for, it's temporary unless you want it.

If you told me you loved me I'm not sure what I'd do.

I might smack you actually.
At least I might feel that way. I think we all know I'm pretty much a pacifist at heart.

There'd be a rush up hope, followed by a pit of fear and hurt. Then uncertainty. And then a lot of anger.

I got hit on at my coffee shop today. He wasn't too bad actually.

I have to admit, I really miss our late night phone calls. Let's be real.

Who are we?
Who will we be?

Shots fired.

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